The noise generated by motor vehicles is one of the negative factors affecting the deterioration of the environment (especially acoustic), where people are present. Vibroacoustic phenomena, especially those emitted by braking systems, are regarded as highly undesirable. The problem of vibration in the brakes, in both rail and road vehicles, was already noticed in the 30s of the twentieth century [10]. At the beginning the researchers pointed out that the noise and vibration generated by the brake was due to the friction characteristics of the tribological pair, making the appearance of the effect was the result of the value of the friction coefficient changing along with the rotational speed. It was also claimed that the coefficient of static friction is greater than kinetic friction. The consequence of vibration in the brake in conjunction with the propagation of sound is the unstable work of the brake system manifested by a variable value of the instantaneous friction coefficient. Described problems are the result of research conducted in the framework of a project funded by the National Centre for Research and Development (LIDER V program, No. LIDER/022/359/L- 5/13/NCBR/2014).
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