In Poland, the basic document introducing, in a formal way, the concept of innovation into the economic cycle was the Operational Program Innovative Economy 2007-2013 (OP IE) - a government document adopted by the Council of Ministers on 19 December 2006. This document described the state of the Polish economy and the state of Polish science in terms of innovation and competitiveness. As usual in such cases, the administrative structures were initially developed by introducing the concepts such as: Managing Institution, Intermediate Institutions and Implementing Institutions, and a large-scale information campaign was started as if the projects in Poland had not been implemented so far, which had not been completed with implementation in practice of a new or significantly improved product, service or process. The paper will present some projects carried out at the Faculty of Transport of the Warsaw University of Technology before 2007., that is before the OP IE, which projects can be included in the innovative projects according to the adopted definition.
Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego. Program Operacyjny Innowacyjna Gospodarka 2007-2013. Warszawa 1 października 2007.
A. Chudzikiewicz: Modernizacja tramwaju typu 805Na. Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna "Zintegrowany System Miejskiego Transportu Szynowego. Organizatorzy: SITK, SEP, PWr. Wrocław 24-25.04.2003. Materiały Konf. pp.25-30.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2017. Raport KE 2018, dostęp 27.01.18.
Modernization of the 105N/805N tram as part of the strategy of renovating the trams. Objective Project of The Committee of Scientific Research (KBN) no. 10 T12 025 2000C/5298. PESA Bydgoszcz – The Faculty of Transport, Warsaw University of Technology. Warsaw 2001-2003.
Uhl T., Chudzikiewicz A., Lasiewicz B.: Zastosowanie metody RSM w optymalizacji konstrukcji pojazdów szynowych. Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa TRANSPORT XXI WIEKU. 19-21.09.2001. Warszawa. Mat. Konf. pp.128-136.
A. Chudzikiewicz, T. Uhl: Problems of safety and durability of rail vehicle in a process of construction modernization. 6th International Conference on Railway Bogies and Running Gears. 13 – 16 September 2004. Budapest, Hungary.
A. Chudzikiewicz: Badania Symulacyjne w Procesie Budowy Prototypu Pojazdu Szynowego. XIII Warsztaty Naukowe PTSK. Symulacja w Badaniach i Rozwoju. 31.08-2.09.2006. Kazimierz Dolny.
A. Chudzikiewicz: Simulation of Rail Vehicle Dynamics in MATLAB Environment. Vehicle System Dynamics. 33 (2000), pp.107-119.
A. Chudzikiewicz, A. Stelmach: Acceleration signals in the process of monitoring the rail vehicle and track. 20th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. Bangkok. 7- 11 July 2013. Proceedings of the ICSV20, International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. ISBN: 978-616-551-682-2, 2013, pp1-8, CD.
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