The article presents a technical analysis of the transport systems currently existing on the market for "other rail transport" within the meaning of the act on public collective transport, i.e. other than railway transport. Transport subsystems were analyzed in terms of technical, operational, and functional. Identification of a key and problematic records in legal acts regarding the analyzed class of transport solutions was carried out, in the field of infrastructure and rolling stock subsystems. The current legal status in Poland does not prohibit the use of transport solutions of metro class, such as monorail or APM (Automated People Mover), which are unusual in the country (and successfully operating in the world). A new classification of rail transport was proposed taking into account similarities in technical, and operational-functional parameters as well as subordination to supervisory and safety authorities. Due to the similarity, rail vehicles traveling on the single rail (monorail), and APM were recognized as a metro variant. A proposal for changes and new provisions in the acts of supplementary significance was presented, due to the possibility of allowing new metro class transport solutions to be used in Poland. Changes in legislation should concern on introduction of new means of transport, such as monorail and APM, to the legal acts and defined them as metro variants. The lack of a general definition of a metro, in the legal acts on rail transport and public collective transport, may in the future hamper the launch of new transport solutions in transport projects in large cities. The definitions currently used in Polish legislation do not describe all means of transport, which are already widely used in many places around the world and in Europe.
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